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Brain Boosting Mackerel with Pasta Salad

plate with pasta salad

If a tuna salad sounds good to you, then it's worth checking out this mackerel with pasta salad. This recipe is a twist on the classic tuna pasta salad while being super delicious and packed with omega-3s to support brain function and keep you productive.

A lot of people either love or hate mackerel. It is a strong-tasting fish after all. Funnily enough, tuna is as well but most of us love a good can of tuna fish. Similarly, I've found even if you aren't much for fishy-tasting fish, tinned mackerel is worth a try. You might not like pan-cooked mackerel but love the tinned version.

Mackerel lunch ideas can be tricky to come by because it is a pungent fish. It's not a favourite for the lunch box if you don't want to lose colleagues and alienate people. That's why I prefer adding this mackerel cold to the salad. I personally only like mackerel cold making this mackerel with pasta recipe ideal. You can warm the fishy for your dishy if you like (you might want to save it for a working-from-home day though.)

The best thing about this salad is it's a mackerel can recipe. Straight from the tin, into the bowl. I love a good tin. I can always find one in the cupboard if I haven't had time to shop or think about lunch. It's also great because it's all the yummyness of mackerel without bones. Nothing worse than a bone in your fish. It puts me right off my meal.

Mackerel is it healthy for your brain?

Mackerel is an oily fish, meaning it's packed with omega-3s which the body doesn't produce and must consume from food. Omega-3s are essential fats for your brain and body and help support cognitive function, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Studies have shown that consuming omega-3-rich fish can even reduce the risk of depression, autism, and bipolar.

Tinned fish is also a really great health hack. It's easy to assume it's not as good for you as fresh fish, however, when the nutritional value of tinned and fresh fish are compared, there is relatively little difference. In fact, sometimes tinned fish better preserves the omega-3 fatty acids. So, grabbing a tin of fish during the lunch rush is actually a really good way to prep an easy healthy meal quickly for yourself.

Pasta, on the other hand, typically gets a bad name when it comes to healthy eating. That's because it's a processed carb which typically makes you sluggish. A full heavy pasta dish really does send me to sleep which is why I started avoiding it at lunch times (not a good look at your desk).

However, you don't need to cancel pasta to look after your brain. It can be part of a good meal in smaller quantities. This mackerel with pasta recipe uses a good healthy handful of wholemeal pasta making it satisfying but avoiding it from making you sluggish and sleepy.

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