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Hi, I'm Aisha

Welcome to MindFuel Greens, where I explore the fascinating intersection of health, wellness, and productivity. This is where I share my research as I learn more about the science behind health and wellness practices and how they impact our brain and ultimately our mood, energy, and performance. 


My journey into the world of health and wellness began with a personal realisation: ‘I’m so busy that looking after my health has fallen off the radar.’ I felt the impact of not taking care of myself but over time, I learnt to normalise the fact that I never felt rested, I had the attention span of a fish, and I seemed to be quite absent-minded.


At the same time, I wanted to be more focused, productive, energised, and happier. Everything I needed to keep up with everything I wanted to do. Not to mention, I knew doing nothing for my health now and being consumed by stress was going to come back and bite me in the backside as a 60-something-year-old. 


So, I decided to apply my background as a behavioural researcher and begin understanding how health and wellness practices really work. Specifically, I wanted to understand how it affects our brain and everything it's in charge of doing for us.


The Purpose Of This Blog


My goal is simple: to empower busy high achievers, like you, to take care of your brain health and wellness without feeling overwhelmed or sacrificing your other priorities. 


I don’t think health and wellness should be a luxury only reserved for those with ample time and resources.


Through evidence-based insights, drawn from both academic research and traditional wellness practices, I aim to demystify the world of health and wellness and provide you with practical ways to enhance your brain health, boost your mood, and unlock your full potential.


So whether you're seeking tips to improve your energy levels, strategies to manage stress or insights into the role of nutrition in cognitive function, you'll find everything you need right here at My Edible Earth.

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