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What is the Growth Mindset? The Neuroscience Behind Unlocking Your Potential

What is the growth mindset, how does it change our brain, and the practical way of adopting one. I’ve been digging into growth mindset research and this is what I’ve found.

What is the growth mindset. Tree

I was recently listening to a fantastic podcast episode interviewing Dr. Tara Swart Bieber, author of The Source and lecturer at MIT. At the start of the episode, she said something that stopped me in my tracks: "Our minds are not fixed. Our IQs are not fixed. Our personalities are not fixed."

Now, you might brush this off as, "yeah obviously" but when you really think about it, isn't this astonishing? For a long time, medical researchers believed the mind was, indeed, fixed. They believed that after we reached adulthood our brains stopped growing and our personality was set. We were who we were. 

We tend to still view IQ scores this way - as an unchangeable measure of our innate intelligence. But we now know this is simply not true.

But this isn't true at all. Our brains can grow. Our IQs can increase and our personality isn't a fixed state. It all comes down to something called the "growth mindset."

The reason I found Dr. Tara’s statement so impactful was because I realised, so many of us do think our minds are fixed. Why else do we doubt our ability to become happier, or make bold career changes and be successful, or change our eating and exercise habits? Why do we only half-bet on ourselves?

So, I decided to dig into the research behind the growth mindset, specifically:

  • What is the growth mindset

  • What does the science tell us about growth mindset, and

  • How can we develop and enhance a growth mindset

What is the Growth Mindset?

What is the growth mindset? I realised I had heard it ping-ponged about on social media but hadn’t really paused to understand it. 

The term "growth mindset" comes from the work of Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. According to Dweck:

"In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment." (Dweck, 2015).

While a fixed mindset views intelligence and talent as unchangeable, a growth mindset is the belief that your abilities are just a starting point that can be developed through hard work and dedication. With this mindset, you don't limit yourself based on perceived shortcomings. Instead, you run headfirst into challenges as chances to stretch yourself.  

Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset Examples

Here's an example to illustrate the difference between a growth mindset vs fixed mindset:

Let's say you and your friend both want to start your own businesses. Your friend has a classic fixed mindset voice in their head saying things like "I'm just not a natural entrepreneur" or "I'll never have what it takes." They get discouraged by failures, seeing them as confirmation of personal shortcomings.

You, on the other hand, have embraced the growth mindset. When you think about your business dreams, you think "I may not have all the skills yet, but I can absolutely learn them over time." Setbacks are simply opportunities to improve and recalibrate. You're energized by the prospect of constant learning and growth.

Growth mindset brains simply don’t put limitations on themselves. 

Benefits of a Growth Mindset: What The Research Shows

Does the growth mindset work?

I'll admit, when I first heard buzzy terms like "growth mindset" being thrown around, I was sceptical. It sounded like another vapid self-help trend with no real substance. 

But I was wrong. Turns out that decades of research back up the powerful benefits of adopting a growth mindset.

In one famous study, students who received a growth mindset intervention showed significantly improved math grades compared to a control group. Across multiple analyses, a growth mindset has been consistently linked to greater academic achievement overall.

However the growth mindset benefits extend way beyond just academics. Various studies associate it with increased motivation, stronger relationships, higher achievement across disciplines, and even improved mental health and well-being. When you truly believe you can grow, you naturally put in more effort, embrace feedback, and show more resilience in the face of setbacks.

The Neuroscience Behind Growth Mindsets

Here's where it gets really fascinating: The growth mindset isn't just an intellectual concept - it quite literally changes our brains.

It all comes down to a property called neuroplasticity - the ability of our brains to reorganize themselves by forming new neural connections throughout our lives. As Dr. Andrew Huberman explains, "The brain is comprised of neural connections that are constantly being remoulded, renewed, and increased in number through repeated practice and experience."

When you adopt a growth mindset and push yourself through difficult skills, you're forcing your brain to work harder. This promotes the creation of new neurons in the hippocampus, a key region for learning and memory. Imaging studies show relevant brain areas become more activated over time as new neural pathways reinforce abilities you practice diligently.

But it gets even cooler. Researchers have found we can actually increase measures of our fluid intelligence - the ability to think logically and solve new problems - through consistent working memory training. Basically, a growth mindset allows you to quite literally expand your cognitive abilities over time.

Oh, and those personality traits you thought were permanent? Turns out we can change and evolve. Training the growth mindset is possible. Strategies including therapy and mindfulness have been found to help remodel neural circuits and can be used to purposefully evolve aspects of your personality. This means you can change whatever you want about yourself. 

You want to be less awkward in social situations? Do-able. 

You want to get better at public speaking. Possible. 

You want to become great at making new friends. You can be the social butterfly of your dreams.

Daily Growth Mindset Activity

After all of my research into a growth mindset, I admit I’m feeling pretty limitless. However, to get to that limitless point where anything is really possible, we have to develop a growth mindset. If you have a fixed mindset, you will need to give yourself a growth mindset intervention.

While some people are naturally more inclined towards a growth mindset, it's ultimately a habit that can be cultivated over time with the right strategies. Here's a step-by-step approach that I’m using to foster a growth mindset, based on the research I’ve gathered:

How To Have A Growth Mindset 

1. Notice your fixed mindset thoughts: We all have those fixed mindset voices that say "I'm just not good at this." Start paying attention when you have those limiting thoughts.

2. Replace them with growth mindset self-talk: Whenever you catch a fixed mindset thought, consciously swap it with a growth alternative like "I can improve at this with practice." It might feel silly at first, but stick with it.

3. Actively seek out challenges: Instead of avoiding things you aren't good at, re-frame them as exciting opportunities for growth. Discomfort is the catalyst for change!

4. Focus on the process, not just results: Rather than hyper-fixating on outcomes, value the effort, strategies, and lessons learned along the way. That's where the real growth happens.  

5. Use criticism as fuel: When you get feedback, don't take it as a personal rebuke. Ask yourself "How can I apply this to get better?" Improvement requires a thick skin.

6. Share and celebrate growth with others: Having an accountability partner or group makes a big difference. Surround yourself with other growth mindset enthusiasts.

The bottom line? You aren't stuck being the same person you are today. Adopting strategies for growth mindset development and applying continuous practice, means you can reshape your brain and expand your capabilities over time in radical ways.

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